Friday, November 17 ♥
An update~ ♥
Finally, i have the time to
update my blog! I've so many things to update but i guess i'm just to lazy to type it all out. So i'll just keep it short here.
Dearest pin's surprise 21st Birthday celebration at King Albert's Mac last sat. Why there? Cause it's her
favourite MAC!~
The Birthday Girl~
"Kids" at the Brithday Party
Kid 1: Fen, Kid 2: Da tou
Kid 3: Matt, Kid 4: Mr tiong
It seems like
kid3 & kid4 are so excited about the birthday party. Hahaha!~
I'm so stupid that i forgot to get my digi cam
charged before heading for the birthday party. So these are the only pictures i manage to take before my digi cam
died on me!
HAPPY MEAL!~Hope you enjoy the surpise birthday party mom!~
Work work work, that's what i have been doing for the past few days. Or should i say past few weeks. Finally no work for me today and gotta pack my stuff for chalet later in the evening! Whoooo~
Rdshow at bugis was GREAT except that it's pretty cold working there!
Manage to caught a few celebrtities while working there. Adam chen, Superstar contestants, Campus superstar contestants, Julian Hee, Remily ong (Singapore bowler), randall tan etc..
Came back home last night from work and POSB sent me a new mastercard as the one i'm holding is expiring soon.
Hubby just left camp this morning and is back at my crib now. Mom's preparing food for him while he's in the shower.
Just receive a call from M1 mintues ago and i'm being called down for the interview~ Oh god, I'm so nervous! Tues, 10.30am. Headache over what i'm going to wear for the interview. People out there, HELP ME!~ I'm super nervous!!!! Pray hard that i manage to get the job~
Another joyous occasion, my grandma's godson is also getting married this early dec. People around me are really into the married mood.
All right. Gotta tidy up my room and stuff before heading for the chalet.
Signing off,
11:04 am ♥