Been playing around with it and I'm definetly loving it to bits after i install the keypad.
Plus i can plan everything in it!
Plus plus i can tap onto the shop's network and log in to msn and surf net while i'm having my break!
Whaha!Merely after 2 hrs after buying the phone i found out that the memory card slot was faulty! When back to IMM to get it change and
sadly it can only be done at customer service center.
YesterdayHeavy rain.Left home at 9.45am to get a cab to work since it was pouring heavily.
Called cab and was waiting on the phone for 15 minutes for booking and system says there isn't any cab.
At a point of time, the system was engaged due to large number of people calling for cab.
Just when i was walking out of the void deck to hail a cab i
slipped and fall on my knees!With
one hand on the phone,
the other holding an umbrella on top of that
carrying a heavy bag to work i had so much difficulties getting up.
* Can you picture how "lang bei" i was? "Saw so many cab that are available and they didn't want to stop! I suppose that want to earn the "on call" fees!
I've got no choice but to take bus to the mrt station with slightly
bleeding and
bruised knees.
Was wet when i reached shop and to my horror my newly acrylic toe nails had
CHIPPED OFF due to the fall!!!!!!
Argh!!!!!!!!Next moment, i was sneezing again and again!
AH CHOOO~~Bad day!
When to get lunch and halfway thru the escalator it
STOPPED!No choice but have to walk down!
Meeting up with hubby to vivo to get my phone changed in the evening.
Hopefully would be able to meet up with pin.
Found this! Something which I've ate when i was young.
- Today will be a good day-
* Crossing my finger