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Thursday, September 20 ♥
Party party!!! ♥

I was totally shag out last week.

Zouk on wed and fri night!!!!

After work on fri, i quickly zoom back home. Wash up, changed and zoom to zouk. By the time i reach home it was 11.30pm and at 12am i was on the cab on the way to zouk!!! Feel like a wonder-woman!! Whaha!!! Reach there at about 12 plus.

Went with hubby's camp mates on fri and it was totally fun! The guys were so high and they open bottles. But still miss hu that night u all powerful open 8 bottles!!

Left at about 3 plus and head to SPIZE for breakfast.

By the time we reached home it was freaking 5am and i had to get up and prepare for work the following day!!! Horrible day for me!!

Supper at Prata house, evans road, with elfi and andrew on tues night. The prata is super nice!!! We had mee goreng, tissue prata with cheese, mushroom and cheese prata, cheese prata and milo dinosaur.Publish Post

I feel a pig! Been gorging tonnes of food down!!

Work work work. It's has been making me feel so tired for the past few weeks. Didn't get ample sleep and the hours are like getting longer and longer.

Met up with nic yesterday and roam around orchard.

Met up with hubby after that and had pastamania.

Steamboat tonight follow by KTV!! I'm so looking forward!!

My cousin is flying off to London tonight!! Envy~~

I wanna buy all these!!!

Waiting patiently for the spree!!

*Suprise surprise!!

Signing off, 1:29 pm ♥

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1st January

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Mini Cooper
Shopping sprees
Walking lil' dusty

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